What’s it like here?

Here at TP we recognise that not everyone understands the wide range of careers available within a pharmaceutical business.

If you thought we only employed scientists, then think again! You may not have considered working in the industry so far, but there is so much more to do than you might think…

Work Experience

We know that TP is a great place to work, with a wide range of career options and we want others to know it too. That’s why we are happy to have a TP Work experience scheme that provides opportunities each year for young people to gain a taste of what working within the pharmaceutical industry might be like.

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School/College Job Fairs

We are keen to continue our work with Schools and Colleges in the county to offer our support for Careers and Job Fairs.

If you are a careers advisor or teacher who wants local business support at events or a key speaker from the industry to talk about the variety of jobs available, then call us and ask, we are always happy to help and to spread the word about working in the pharmaceutical industry.

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